by AndrewMc | 8/16/2009 05:00:00 PM
I'm happy to introduce a new contributor to Progressive Historians.

Joel W. Tscherne is a retired librarian, having worked in a major urban library for over thirty years. He is currently an adjunct faculty member teaching an introductory course in information literacy and research. He is also a masters degree graduate student in history at Cleveland State University. His research interests include recent American history, particularly the 1960s, as well as media and popular culture coverage of historical topics. He is the senior web editor and a series producer for The Conversations Network, a leading non-profit podcast network.

Joel will make his first contribution Monday morning, with a post about Woodstock. Please welcome him aboard!

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Blogger Ahistoricality on 8/16/2009 5:41 PM:

I've always said that librarians would make great historians: Welcome Mr. Tscherne!


Blogger Joel Tscherne on 8/16/2009 6:13 PM:

That's because we know where all the best sources are. Thanks!


Anonymous Former Archivist on 8/16/2009 8:58 PM:

Welcome, from an historian (albeit a moderate and Independent, not a progressive) and a former federal archivist. It's good to see an information professional and historian join the blog. I look forward to reading your contributions.


Blogger Unknown on 8/17/2009 12:24 AM:

Welcome aboard, Joel! Looking forward to reading your stuff.