by Unknown | 7/10/2008 10:28:00 AM
With a circulation of roughly five thousand pageviews per week, ProgressiveHistorians is one of the largest and most widely-read history blogs in the blogosphere. We're also one of the only history blogs that currently accepts advertising. Our readers are generally well-educated and historically-minded; they range from history professors to interested laypeople.
Given our readership, ProgressiveHistorians is a particularly good location for advertising published books, conferences, or historical/genealogical research services. Why shell out hundreds of dollars to advertise in a historical journal when you could pay a fraction of that to reach the same number of readers at ProgressiveHistorians?
Because we don't use a middleman ad service like BlogAds, we're able to keep our prices low and offer you maximum value for your money. Our ads start at just $10 ($20 for image ads). For the price, there's no better way to reach a varied audience of historians and intellectually-minded readers.
ProgressiveHistorians currently accepts three types of standard ads, plus custom ads. Descriptions and rates follow.
Featured Sponsorship: A 170x320 graphic, hyperlinked to your blog or website, displayed at the top of the right-hand sidebar on every page of the site. Weekly rate: $40. Monthly rate: $100. Featured Sponsorhips are guaranteed the top spot on the page. ProgressiveHistorians can accept only one Featured Sponsorship at a time.
General Sponsorship: A 170x170 graphic, hyperlinked to your blog or website, displayed just below the Featured Sponsorship in the right-hand sidebar on every page of the site. Weekly rate: $20. Monthly rate: $50. The top spot belongs to the oldest ad, with ads moving up as older ads expire.
Text Sponsorship: Up to 125 characters of text, hyperlinked to your blog or website, displayed just below the General Sponsorships in the right-hand sidebar on every page of the site. Weekly rate: $10. Monthly rate: $30. The top spot belongs to the oldest ad, with ads moving up as older ads expire.
Custom ad sizes are also available; please e-mail the editor for rates. Keep in mind, however, that widths over 170 pixels cannot be considered owing to space restrictions.
Banner ads, ads with moving or flashing graphics, or ads containing offensive or potentially libelous content will not be accepted. The editor reserves the right to reject any ad for any reason.
To order: Send PayPal payments to the editor, Andrew McMichael, via e-mail. You may also send questions to this address. Once your payment has been confirmed, you may send graphics or ad design requests via e-mail.
(Note: This text adapted from IPR. Advertise there too!)
Given our readership, ProgressiveHistorians is a particularly good location for advertising published books, conferences, or historical/genealogical research services. Why shell out hundreds of dollars to advertise in a historical journal when you could pay a fraction of that to reach the same number of readers at ProgressiveHistorians?
Because we don't use a middleman ad service like BlogAds, we're able to keep our prices low and offer you maximum value for your money. Our ads start at just $10 ($20 for image ads). For the price, there's no better way to reach a varied audience of historians and intellectually-minded readers.
ProgressiveHistorians currently accepts three types of standard ads, plus custom ads. Descriptions and rates follow.
Featured Sponsorship: A 170x320 graphic, hyperlinked to your blog or website, displayed at the top of the right-hand sidebar on every page of the site. Weekly rate: $40. Monthly rate: $100. Featured Sponsorhips are guaranteed the top spot on the page. ProgressiveHistorians can accept only one Featured Sponsorship at a time.
General Sponsorship: A 170x170 graphic, hyperlinked to your blog or website, displayed just below the Featured Sponsorship in the right-hand sidebar on every page of the site. Weekly rate: $20. Monthly rate: $50. The top spot belongs to the oldest ad, with ads moving up as older ads expire.
Text Sponsorship: Up to 125 characters of text, hyperlinked to your blog or website, displayed just below the General Sponsorships in the right-hand sidebar on every page of the site. Weekly rate: $10. Monthly rate: $30. The top spot belongs to the oldest ad, with ads moving up as older ads expire.
Custom ad sizes are also available; please e-mail the editor for rates. Keep in mind, however, that widths over 170 pixels cannot be considered owing to space restrictions.
Banner ads, ads with moving or flashing graphics, or ads containing offensive or potentially libelous content will not be accepted. The editor reserves the right to reject any ad for any reason.
To order: Send PayPal payments to the editor, Andrew McMichael, via e-mail. You may also send questions to this address. Once your payment has been confirmed, you may send graphics or ad design requests via e-mail.
(Note: This text adapted from IPR. Advertise there too!)