by AndrewMc | 5/04/2009 06:03:00 AM
Historians, for the most part, aren't like normal people.

Most people organize their year by a 365-day, 52-week calendar. Most historians organize theirs into a pair of fourteen, fifteen, or sixteen week blocs. The other twelve weeks are spent hibernating in caves around the world called "archives."

As we prepare to end one of our blocs our blood pressure rises, we tune out the rest of the world, we become forgetful, and our tempers often become frayed.

I hope your semester ends well.

Unitary Moonbat is on the Rec List at Daily Kos.

If you aren't a regular watcher, you might try to catch a repeat of CSI:New York's recent episode "Yahrzeit" [link contains spoilers if you click through to the episode] is about as good a treatment of the Holocaust as one could find on a fictional TV show. Ed Asner's performance was incredibly moving, I thought.

What's on your mind?

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Anonymous Cameron Blevins on 5/04/2009 8:44 AM:

I didn't think I'd miss the feat-or-famine element of the academic lifestyle, but I am 100% ready to jump back into it in September. Although I have enjoyed having work-free Sundays...


Blogger elle on 5/04/2009 10:24 AM:

Thanks for the well wishes. As I have mentioned, ohh, a few times :-), this has been a trying semester for me.

I have a final today and Wednesday, then it really is over.

I will try to take lessons from it, certainly there are things I can do differently (or better) but knowing that doesn't ameliorate how on-the-verge-of-unhappy I feel right now.

Then writing for a few weeks before I teach again (why in the world did I sign up for the second summer session?!)


Blogger AndrewMc on 5/04/2009 11:23 AM:

I would love to know the mathematics by which the semester with my lightest teaching load [one "live" day a week, and one online grad class] has become my most hellishly busy time.

I should say, though, that my "live" class is "A History of Beer" in which we make beer. I'll be coming away from the semester with 10 kegs and 12 cases of beer and ale.

That makes it all the more puzzling, though.


Blogger Ted Tencza on 5/07/2009 8:50 PM:

Well, making beer is hard work. If you want to do further research, I suggest a field experiment on the brewing of antipodean beer.