by Unknown | 11/06/2008 12:06:00 PM
Herewith, the call for papers for IU's annual History Graduate Association conference. As was true last year, I'll promise to buy a drink for any reader of this blog who turns up at the conference (non-IU students only, please!):
The Paul Lucas Conference in History at Indiana University presents
Making Memory, Making History:
Ideas and Identities Beyond Borders
Hosted by IU History Graduate Student Association
Friday and Saturday, March 6 and 7, 2009
The History Graduate Student Association at Indiana University invites paper submissions by graduate students for its 2009 conference entitled Making Memory, Making History: Ideas and Identities Beyond Borders.
The year's conference seeks to engage with a variety of sources and perspectives related to the movement of ideas and identities, whether figurative or literal, across and beyond borders. Addressing themes that are particularly relevant to a contemporary audience, both inside and outside the academy, our hope is to engage with historical topics that not only cross disciplinary boundaries, but that reach within and beyond the social and academic borders that influence our understandings of self and society. We welcome submissions from various disciplines, time periods, and geographic focus. The conference is intentionally broad and invites multiple interpretations of complex issues such as national and transnational identities, migration, globalization, media and visual culture, urban studies, material culture, memory, violence and trauma.
This year, in accordance with our themes, we are integrating our conference with an exciting public arts and media event. The conference will coincide with the opening reception of a photography exhibit by artist Jonathan Moller at the Mathers Museum followed by a presentation by the artist and guest note speaker from Indiana University. The exhibit, accompanied by the publication of a book entitled Our Culture is our Resistance, has received international attention and acclaim.
Please submit the items and information below no later than Monday, December 21st. The HGSA Conference Committee will evaluate abstracts and inform participants by January 5, 2009 of their acceptance and panel assignment. Full papers are expected by the 16th of February, 2009. For visiting graduate students, we will organize accommodations with IU graduate students participating in the conference. The conference is free to IU graduate students in any field. Non-IU students must submit a registration fee of $30.
Please submit the following information via e-mail as an attachment to
1. Paper abstract and title (no more than 250 words)
2. Institutional affiliation and title/position
3. Contact information: name, e-mail address, postal address, telephone/fax numbers
The Paul Lucas Conference in History
History Department
Indiana University
742 Ballantine Hall
Bloomington, IN 47405-7103
Labels: Jeremy Young