by Unknown | 6/07/2008 12:22:00 AM
Annie Kreider sends along a historical conundrum: where have the medical records of the Ellis Island Hospital gotten to, and how can she go about finding them? She's written up what she's tried so far, and how useful the records could be, at her own blog. Readers are encouraged to make comments or suggestions.

Two excellent historical pieces posted at Diane's place today. The first, Maryscott O'Connor's The American Stain, is reprinted below. The second is Lt. Cmdr. Jeff Huber's The Longest Day, a comparison of American military leaders in World War II and today.

Britannica Blog has been publishing audio files of old broadcasts of Information, Please!, a popular radio show that ran from 1938-1948. Here's one, with special guest Carmel Snow of Harper's Bazaar. Here's another with Dorothy Thompson. While we're on the subject of Britannica Blog, I highly recommend it as a must read for history-blogger types. History professor Allan Lichtman is a regular contributor, as are Encyclopedia Britannica editors Gregory McNamee and Roberg McHenry, who frequently post on historical topics.

What's on your mind?
