by Unknown | 6/11/2008 01:27:00 PM
Jack Stripling, Not Our Best and Brightest? at InsideHigherEd, gives more information on the Owen Cargol story that first broke here. Hat tip Scott McLemee (via e-mail).
James Joyner, Historians as Public Intellectuals, is a principled conservative's take on this piece by our own resident principled conservative, Mark Safranski.
Finally, please welcome iampunha, a copy editor from Texas and our newest contributor. His "This Day in History" series at Daily Kos is well known, and will make an excellent addition to our daily fair at ProgressiveHistorians.
What's on your mind?
James Joyner, Historians as Public Intellectuals, is a principled conservative's take on this piece by our own resident principled conservative, Mark Safranski.
Finally, please welcome iampunha, a copy editor from Texas and our newest contributor. His "This Day in History" series at Daily Kos is well known, and will make an excellent addition to our daily fair at ProgressiveHistorians.
What's on your mind?
Labels: Jeremy Young