by Unknown | 3/26/2008 03:29:00 PM
Since GG likes short blog posts, I'll keep this to one sentence: somebody's written one of my books.




Blogger idiosynchronic on 3/27/2008 10:47 AM:

At least Gould wrote it, rather than someone odious. I hope it meets expectations better than Chace's 1912, which was a fair read but not very deep.


Anonymous Anonymous on 3/27/2008 11:38 AM:

There's always hope: it could be crap. Fingers crossed!
Now: back to this manuscript I'm working on about the paradox of American slavery and American freedom. I think I'll call it American Freedom, American Slavery. No one's written about that, right?


Blogger Unknown on 3/27/2008 1:35 PM:

Well, the back cover posts endorsements from Michael Kazin, John Milton Cooper, and John Morton Blum, so I think there's a limit to how much crap it can be. I'm actually looking forward to reading it when it comes out. (BTW Idio: long time no see!)

GG, as good as Morgan is, I'm sure you can do much better.


Blogger mrbubs on 4/09/2008 9:34 AM:

What are you actually writing about, Jeremy?


Blogger Unknown on 4/09/2008 11:19 AM:

The culture of leadership in the American Progressive Era, or some such topic. It's still early, so I haven't got a title and such things yet.


Blogger mrbubs on 4/10/2008 11:00 AM:

Nice. I'm *several* years behind you (applying to start a history Ph.D. in the fall of '09) and I'm still trying to pick an area of study. I got out of it in undergrad by doing my concentration in 'War and Society', which allowed me to do whatever the hell i wanted... oh well.


Blogger Unknown on 4/10/2008 2:09 PM:

Bubs -- e-mail me if you like. I'd be interested to hear where you're looking to go at this point, and what your interests are.